Wednesday, June 8, 2011

An evening with Anne Polajenko: "Pointe 101"

5 things a Pointe shoe should do:

1. Correspond to the general structure of the foot. A square foot will not fit into a pointed shoe!
2. Assist the dancer establish her central balance on pointe
3. Allow the roll through on demi-pointe without too much resistance. This will get easier as the shoe gets softer.
4. Provide correct arch support
5. Create a long, sleek look

5 things a Pointe shoe should not do:
1. Prevent the dancer from standing full up on the shoe
2. Allow high arches to roll right over the box
3. Hinder the dancer from rolling up/down through the demi-pointe
4. Cause undue pain across the toes, on the bunion
5. Twist on the foot or crease at the little toe when first tried on
          --- Anne Polajenko


       Hope you all are having a great week so far :)

   Love from your humble blogger,

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